Monday, September 17, 2012

Motivational Monday: Challenge

I present to you a challenge. Bend down and touch your toes. Loosen up your hips. No, that wasn't the challenge--I just want you to warm up first.

Place your feet a little more than shoulder's width apart (and place your monitor somewhere you can still read this). Sink into horse stance.

Check yourself. Are your toes pointing forward? Is your tail bone tucked under? Is your chest up? Can you go lower? Make your back straighter?

Are you skipping lines of text hoping that you stumble upon the line where I say to relax? (YOU BETTER NOT RELAX YET) Are you breathing?

Check yourself again. Where are your toes now? Is your butt sticking out? Can you go lower?

Squeeze your abs. Tuck your tailbone under.

Are your legs screaming for you to stop? Your core pleading for a rest? Your feet burning from being placed at such awkward angles?

Adjust. Can you push your knees farther out? Shift your weight? Relax your shoulders? What is absolutely necessary for you to continue to hold your stance? And what can you relax?

Breathe. Your body will know when it cannot take anymore--in that moment your body will stop even if you tell it to keep going. It is your mind you have to train to continue to tell your body to go on even when things get difficult.

Keep going. Don't worry. I tested this challenge--read the words out loud as I did horse stance--you still have more in you.

Check yourself. Toes? Knees? Tailbone?

Jia you!

Keep breathing.

Ten. Nine. Eight...


Check yourself.



Love the burn.



Revel in the pain...




Smile--you're almost done.



Relax. You did it (unless you cheated--but you would never do that. Right???). It hurt. There were times when you wanted to quit. But you pulled through.

You can accomplish more than you think--more than anyone wants to tell you can, more than what you believe your pain threshold will allow. Tearing down walls is not a peaceful act, but living forever within walls is not a fulfilling way to live.


TRAINING CHALLENGE: Do it every day.

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