Monday, September 10, 2012

Motivational Monday: Get Out of Bed

Sometimes we just need some motivation... Happy Monday! 

Get out of bed, you lazy bum.

Words I should post over my bed, so that they are the first things to greet me when I wake up. I should also post them on the wall next to my bed, just in case I wake up facing the wall. And I should post them on my closet door, just in case I wake up facing the closet. Really, I should make them the alarm on my phone, so that they ring in my ears first thing in the morning.

Get out of bed, you lazy bum.

Harsh? Perhaps. Not a gentle nudge or a pleasant, “Time to get up, dear,” but when it’s Monday morning, the dream was sweet and the sheets still smell like Snuggle, those words could be a necessary jolt—a shock to get the blood flowing and a challenge to prove them wrong. I am NOT a “lazy bum.”

I must get out of the warm sheets, because if I lay here and make excuses—

“My body needs the rest”
 “A couple more minutes won’t hurt”
 “I’m still exhausted from yesterday”

--I am everything I claim I am not. I cannot accomplish things when I am unconscious, and man, do I have things I want to accomplish. There are dreams that I have when I am awake, more precious, more valuable and more extraordinary than the ones I have when I am asleep. And these dreams will not just pour out of my mind into being.  I must act. I must do. I must…

Get out of bed, you lazy bum.

There is no doubt that sleep is good and necessary. And it is not out of a lack of respect for my body that I say these words to myself. It is out of recognition that I am great, can accomplish what I want to, can stun, amaze and achieve--that I am worth the discomfort of opening my eyes, worth shaking the soreness from my muscles, worth the seemingly endless trek to the bathroom. I am so much—can do so much—and I must prove it, not to the world, but to myself.  I must earn my rest at the end of each day, sleep with the satisfaction that I did all I could, and the only way I can do this is if I

Get out of bed, you lazy bum.