- Grab a sheet of paper that you don't mind writing on (preferably one with a large blank space) and a writing utensil (preferably a dark permanent marker, but as long as your writing utensil uses ink it is acceptable).
- Think about your Wushu goals. The competition season might seem far off, but it will be here before you know it. Think about what you want to get out of your training. Think about what you want to accomplish when you compete. Do you want to master a certain technique? Do you want to simply compete at any level? Do you want to blow everyone away? What is it that you want?
- Come up with ONE goal that you really want to accomplish. This goal should make you stretch and work hard to achieve it, but should not be so lofty that you will not even get close to accomplishing it. This is the tricky but key part. Your goal should be something that keeps you moving forward and, upon reaching it, should make you feel like you've accomplished something of consequence.
- Phrase your goal. Put it in simple, concrete terms, state exactly what you want and start it with "I will..." The exact details about how you will reach your goal need not be included. This is like the thesis statement of your training.
- Write your goal in large, clear letters on your sheet of paper using your writing utensil. It doesn't have to be pretty--just big and bold. End your goal with a period.
- Sign and date your paper using your writing utensil.
- Hang your goal somewhere you will see it every day (preferably multiple times a day and preferably early in the day, like right when you get up).
- Let this paper remind you what you are working towards and inspire you to continue to work towards it.
I posted mine above the mirror in my room. |
Setting a goal does not guarantee reaching a goal. More on reaching your goal next Motivational Monday!
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